Zion National Park, Utah - Travel Diary!


Hi Guys!

I am back with another travel related posts! I apologise to those who don’t like them that much but they really are my favourite posts to write because I can look back on these in years to come and I’ll know that I had a lot of fun in my early twenties! Expect these types of posts for a while as I have done a ton of traveling and still have more to do!

Following our adventures in The Grand Canyon, my friends and I drove on to Utah to head to Zion National Park. One of my friends heard that Zion was supposedly more beautiful which I found extremely difficult to believe given that I thought The Grand Canyon was absolutely stunning and that nothing could beat it! I also know a girl from Salt Lake City in Utah who gave me some recommendations of what trails to try!

When we arrived at the national park, upon parking, we were greeted by a bus stop which allowed the visitors to travel to each point where each trail was located as you need a red card to drive around Zion National Park.

Two of the trails we were recommended to do was the “Emerald Pools” walk as well as “Angel’s Landing”. The “Emerald Pools” was the first trail we decided to do. It was a very easy walk to do in my opinion as was described in one of the pamphlets we had at the time we visited the park. There were three different pools, the lower, middle and upper pools (although I don’t believe the upper pool was that much higher than the middle) and it took about 20 or 30 minutes to complete. It was of course absolutely stunning. Following this trail, we decided to do another trail called the grotto walk which was also a very relaxing trail.

Later in the evening, before the departure of the final bus, we managed to do one last trail which was called the riverside walk which led on to a further trail called the narrows. It was very cold so I ended up walking with my friend Adrian at a very fast pace. We were the first of the five of us to reach the end and took some pictures. 

To conclude, Zion National Park is a very tranquil and relaxing park with absolutely stunning views. I’d highly recommend a visit for $30 per vehicle. 

Have you ever visited Zion National Park? 
Let me know what you thought and I’ll talk to you soon! 



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