5 Tips which will Help You Maintain a Long-Distance Relationship


If you were to tell me that I was going to be in a long-distance relationship three years ago, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. It was always something I deemed couldn’t work or would be pretty much impossible to maintain. To date, I’ve been in two situations where I’ve had a relationship with someone across the seas, one which I’m currently in right now and another which shortly ended as soon as distance was introduced. I thought that for today’s post that I’d give some tips for how I’ve managed to maintain a strong relationship with my boyfriend Adrian whether he was in Malta or Glasgow!

Tips for maintaining a long-distance relationship 

  1. Regular Communication - There’s no doubt that Ad and I wouldn’t be together now if there was no regular communication. We talk on a regular basis and I pretty much always know if he’s in college, hanging out with friends or at home with family. It’s always a good thing to be open about what you’re doing and develop trust between you! 

  1. Video Call Often - A text and a video call are not the same thing. It’s always so much fun to chat on Skype or Facebook video from a far and it really feels like you’ve had a quality catch up when video is involved. We video call each other almost every day unless one of us is too busy to talk! 

  1. Plan Visits - I’d recommend planning trips regularly to see each other. Luckily, Ad is currently across the pond in Glasgow and it is easy enough to pop over on a flight! If the distance is larger, it can be a lot more difficult to manage. By planning time to see each other, it adds a little bit of excitement and you know that the time where you’ll be wrapped around each other’s arms will come soon. 

  1. Have a vague future plan - If a long-distance relationship is going to stay long distance forever, it is most likely not going to work out. It’s always good to at least have a vague plan of when you’ll both be in the same location or perhaps move in together. Maybe it’ll be a year or maybe 3 years but if you both have the idea that you’d like to be in the same location at some stage, I have every ounce of confidence that all will work out for you! Personally, Ad and I have never sat down and had the conversation of “when are we moving in together”, but we have mentioned living together casually in conversations which is good enough for me, for now. We are both still at the stage of life where we are figuring out what we want to do with ourselves and have goals we both want to work on before planning our lives together. 

  1. Chillax and Enjoy the Independence - Something great which comes from a long-distance relationship is that you get a lot of independence. I love being able to do things for myself and not always being referred to as “Ellen and Adrian”. I’ve always hated it when people group you and your significant other and talk about you as though you both are not separate people. It’s a bit of a perk because people in my life get to know me as me. Try to enjoy the independence as much as possible and work on your personal goals! 

Have you any long-distance friends, or maybe you’re like me and in a long-distance relationship! What tips would you give to those who are struggling? 


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  1. Great post - I have been dating my boyfriend for almost five year now, and three of them have been long distance (college really ruined it haha).... I think these are all great tips to keeping a LDR! I think number 4 is soooo important; I have about a year of school left so we are already planning out when we can live in the same place and it makes the distance not seem as bad when it has an end date. :) Thanks for sharing!
    -Jenna <3
    Follow me back? The Chic Cupcake


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